Cliff Bars
Weight Lifting
Cliff Bars
Weight Lifting
Today some twat totally called me an " F-ing Mexican" and did the Hitler salute while leaning out his car window to make sure I saw him while driving past me?
I was driving the speed limit and when he started honking at me I smiled & waved - apparently he doesn't like brunets? It was absolutely hilarious so I laughed. He obviously has some serious mental issues / emotional issues.
I cant sleep... I just keep thinking about random things like:
- Dijon Mustard - disgusting why is it in my fridge?
- Old window frames - how do I obtain one?
- Invisiline clearly isn't invisible
- People with "sharpie eye brows" - Do you seriously use a sharpie?
- Who painted half of Ellie's Big toe Red & where was I when this happened?
- Plastic bottles will out live me - freaky thought
- Lisps are disgusting -I developed one while wearing my retainer, basically I gross my self out
- Diane Rehm talks so slow! But I LOVE her show! ( for all you losers out there Tune into NPR some time)
- What should Ellie be for Halloween?
- No body ever sticks a penny in their penny loafers
- Why don't I ever hear the alarm clock.. seriously?
- Why don't I stop blogging and go to bed?
- Dust mites love your mascara!
- You can't kill a virus it ISN'T a living organism - misleading cleaning products
- This chick totally looks like a lizard
- It must suck to be a bug