If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Feeling kind of irritated

I'm feeling irritated beyond belief as my simple world is being bombarded
with so many things to do, to finish, to accomplish, to complete
all before that scary date September 20th!

A few things that irritate me lately:

  • LAUNDRY - it is almost as if it is a never ending chore & too add to the irritation I have always disliked folding laundry.
  • Big bulbous crowds of randomly placed people - Out side of starbucks, in the mall, at the grocery store, at any store, walking down the street... I always seem to run into pointless crowds of people & its frustrating. Why? Well they never seem to part the big pointless sea that is composed of their randomly placed bodies for me to get to my destination. It makes it a lot worse when you have a child , a car seat , a diaper bag , your purse & so on. When I have a stroller I usually charge head first into the annoying crowd daring to mow over anyone in my way.
  • Poor customer service I think this irritates just about everyone. 
  • Vacuum filters - Vacuum filter F15 is the hardest thing to ever find! Ive been without a filter and unable to vacuum for 2 weeks now and our floor is swimming in cheerio crumbs & raisins. The local vacuum store was even out of stock! We have the newest dirt devil model out too and you would think it would be a popular filter.... guess not. 
  • Missing bloomers - I hate it when my daughter's dresses are missing their bloomers & her baby underwear (diaper) is hanging out.
  • People who write in books- this should absolutely be considered a sin... To deface a beautifully written master piece ... good gracious. Plus I'm tiered of buying text books with poorly written notes inside not to mention incorrect.
  • People who say "Aint"- "Aint" ISN'T AT WORD!

 Why the random list? Well it basically sums up my past couple of days..

  • LAUNDRY -Currently folding it....
  • Big bulbous crowds of randomly placed people - I Encountered this a few days ago at a local Starbucks and since no one could hear me say excuse me because this gigantic group of annoying tweens was being obnoxiously loud .. I just rammed my way gracefully through the crowd. Screaming "Pardon me".
  • Poor customer serviceThanks fabric store - waited 15 minutes for someone to come cut my fabric after asking for assistance...
  • Vacuum filters - On going search...
  • Missing bloomers -Encountered this lovely number yesterday...
  • People who write in books- Packing my text  books... found some ones disgusting hand writing inside.
  • People who say "Aint"-  A Jackwad at the grocery store... through this word around a couple times... drove me ballistic.
In need of some serious relaxation ... or just a nap.